I count myself very lucky to work on occasions with Keith Kendrick & Sylvia Needham as members of the music ‘crew’ providing entertainment onboard HMS Warrior, Portsmouth. Many’s the times we’ve shared a good joke together whilst either singing or playing in an informal session and that comes across in this more than pleasurable recording. Both fine singers, Keith and Sylvia prove just as adept at accapella as they are in accompanying themselves in company with, amongst others Jon Loomes (hurdy gurdy, fiddle and piano), Johnny Adams (various instruments and vocals) and Gilly Loomes on cornet and hammered dulcimer. The duo’s repertoire of predominantly traditional arranged British songs including “Banks Of The Nile”, “The Riddle Song/Lovers’ Tasks” and a stirring, if somewhat unusual setting of the shanties “One More Day/Shallow Brown” courtesy of John Short establishes their credentials as purveyors of that distinctive ‘folk’ culture that we from these islands should all be proud of. The inclusion of a jolly rumpy-pumpy concertina led set of tunes ”Blue-Eyed Stranger/Joe Pea’s” evokes memories of Keith’s days spent with the much missed band Ram’s Bottom and should prove a popular addition to English session players everywhere. Yet another fine album from the Wildgoose stable.
Artist Web link: www.keithkendrick.com
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