DANIEL KOULACK & KARRNNEL SAWITSKY – Fiddle & Banjo: Tunes From The North, Songs From The South (own label KCgreen300)

DANIEL KOULACK & KARRNNEL SAWITSKY - Fiddle & Banjo: Tunes From The North, Songs From The South (own label KCgreen300)There is no need to explain what this album is about. Daniel Koulack (banjo) and Karrnell Sawitsky (fiddle) are Canadian musicians who play a modern version of old-timey whose material encompasses a couple of centuries or more.

They open with ‘Goofing Off Theme’ by Pete Seeger, an accomplished banjo player sure but not usually associated with the composition of jolly instrumentals, and that sets the scene for a wide variety of material. On the one hand we have well known tunes like ‘The Arkansas Traveller’ and ‘Red Rocking Chair’; on the other we have some original compositions and in between there are songs like Skip James’ ‘Killin’ Floor’ and Blind Alfred Reed’s ‘How Does A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live’.

For the most part Daniel and Karrnnel are on their own but five tracks feature Joey Landreth on Dobro and vocals, two are supported by Amy Matsylo’s vocals and ‘The Old French Set’ has Quebeçois foot percussion from Christian Dugas. Landreth demonstrates the versatility of a resonator, playing what are almost bass parts on ‘Little Birdie’ and ‘Groundhog’. Amongst the picking and bowing wizardry are gentle pieces like ‘Lullaby’ and ‘Waltz Of Life’ but this record comes alive when they get back to the stompin’.

Dai Jeffries

Sawitsky & Koulack don’t actually have a website but their album is available from the usual suspects.


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