SAM CARTER – The No Testament (Cap 003)

In 2010 Sam Carter was on the ‘folk’ scene radar with his debut album and a name to watch out for. Since then he’s been a bit quiet only now returning with that second ‘difficult’ album. Starting somewhat bizarrely (to me at least) with the shape-note intro “Antioch” leading into an anthem for our times “Dreams Are Made Of Money” this track certainly has a touch of the Dransfields about it. There’s a cynicism in Carter’s voice that is pitched just right and by the time he gets to the broadside ballad “Jack Hall” he’s pretty much cracked it. Working in conjunction with fiddler Sam Sweeney on this particular track I’d swear Swarbrick & Carthy had a hand in the arrangement. Now, I wouldn’t go so far as to say his presentation is lugubrious but the lyrical style of the song “The One” hits just the right chord if you watch a lot of what is currently deemed ‘drama’ on television…buy the CD or watch the video clip below to see what I mean…and the addition of guest musicians Matt Ridley (double bass/bass guitar) and Sam Nadel on drums adds a nice touch of colour to the proceedings. Songs of the fear of old age and poignant tales of broken relationships all play their part in Sam’s musical journey to the psychiatrist’s chair (otherwise known as the ‘folk’ scene) but I feel he’s ultimately achieved a bulls-eye in his ability as a substantial singer-songwriter. Ok, so I’ve used more comparisons than I should have already in this review but if I’m allowed to mention just one more there’s a touch of Pentangle about “No Other Side” and I personally feel there’s nothing wrong in pointing these things out particularly if it’s done with the best of intentions steering the listener to similar conclusions.


Artist’s website: