DANIEL BACHMAN – Jesus I’m A Sinner

Jesus Im A Sinner‘Jesus I’m a Sinner’ is the 4th album by Daniel Bachman, the follow up to last year’s acclaimed ‘Seven Pines’.  It was recorded in Rappahannock County Virginia at Forrest Marquisee’s studio inside his father’s woodshop in May of 2013 after spending 8 months on the road.

Folking has focused on ‘Honeysuckle Reel’ from the album, which was written as a springtime tune, for that first day when the heat and humidity sets in and the smell of the honeysuckle bloom creeps in your open windows driving.

Amazing to think that Daniel is still only 23 and with playing like this you are left wondering about the possibilities ahead as the album jumps from lap guitar, guitar and banjo, guitar/fiddle duet and Cajun tuning.

Artist’s website: http://danielbachman.com/