I’ve never actually swam with dolphins but I somehow get the feeling it would be very much like attending a concert by harpist/vocalist Rachael Gladwin and her band (Bejamin Stead, Line Haukland, Jake Foord, Adam Beaney, Kjetil Hallre and Joshua Jones) The Red Socks although personally speaking I’m not sure about the band’s title which unfortunately sounds a bit ‘Glee-ish’ if you know what I mean. Opening with the dreamily pulsating “Song For Reuben” I found myself unintentionally gently slapping the sides of my thighs imagining I was Ray Cooper (Elton John’s percussionist of choice) and even more worryingly moving my head from side to side as if being mesmerised by Derren Brown. I suppose the best way of describing the band’s music is a cross between Pentangle and Moonshee and if you feel the urge to luxuriate in the wonderfully all enveloping silky-ness you’ll come away feeling totally refreshed. I contacted Rachael to ask her for the lyrics of the songs as I like to immerse myself thoroughly in the whole process of recording and like Helen Slater (yes, she of Supergirl fame who has a sideline as a singer/songwriter in the States) the genuine outpourings of ‘life’ in general are laid bare and even Ms Gladwin had to admit to the whole process as being cathartic. OK, I hold my hands up to having a sneaky peek at my other half’s copies of OK and Take A Break magazines occasionally…only for research you understand…and notice the worrying trend for ladies to deliver fisher-wives style red-top tittle-tattle but by listening to this seriously relaxing album you’d think Rachael came from another planet. Having recently reviewed a travesty to what purported to be ‘folk music’ this recording is just what the doctor ordered as medication and the perfect prescription if you just want to chill.
Artist Web link: www.rachaelgladwin.co.uk
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