In the days when I was a ‘yoof’ I was forever popping out to support artists such as Lindisfarne and their lead protagonist Alan Hull. So, it’s nice to see a recording of those bygone days appearing in the form of this release from those marvellous chaps at Market Square records. Featuring Mr Hull at his best with solo acoustic versions of his most popular ballads including “January Song”, “We Can Swing Together”, “Fog On The Tyne” and “Lady Eleanor” this is Alan at his best. In fine fettle with his wry observations on life and gentle bantering with his audience (not the angry young man as so often could be the case) there are plenty of gems unearthed such as “Dan The Plan”, “Squire” and “Money Game”. As well as being a fair ol’ chanter, Hull proves to be a first rate guitarist with plenty of soul and not a little ingenuity and this recording goes some way in proving that a good song (and tune) can stand on its own merits without a full blown arrangement. The legend that is Alan Hull will live with us forever thanks to releases like this and (personally speaking) I wish someone like Market Square could revive the glory days of other ‘classic’ folk artists such as The JSD Band, Five Hand Reel and Hedgehog Pie. I live in hope!
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