Celtus Moonchild and Portrait Albums – A Poetic look back

Celtus Moonchild and Portrait Albums folkmaster poetic reviewSitting in a high place, the darkness of night passes slowly to a dawn of eager glow. Beneath lie the souls of the loved and the lost. It’s a time of reflection and remembrance; the energy is so strong here that you feel it could ignite the spark to fuel the light of the dawning day.

Moonchild was born out of Tommy’s love, a musical journey through the inner struggle of the joy and celebration of life and the darker places where no exits lead to the reasons why. Moonchild is an uplifting and moving experience that will heal the darkest of hearts.

Celtus Moonchild and Portrait Albums folkmaster poetic reviewFrom this high place you view the gathering armies on the plain below, each with its banner and cause. The air is still and the faces of past and present people’s flash before your eyes. Possessed with the knowledge of all that has passed before, you stare in disbelief. As two worlds collide you shout “I am wide awake, I’m not sleeping”. For a moment time stands still, and the ground Celtus Moonchild and Portrait Albums folkmaster poetic reviewbeneath you groans “If you believe in peace it will heal the deepest of wounds”. You turn to leave this place to make the steep descent into the valley below with a single thought in your mind ” I have never lost my faith in you”. When you reach the valley below you are met with a single reflection – a Portrait of yourself.

The Folkmaster, Folking.com, 12th March 2000


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