Be warned, The Red Hot Chilli Pipers should be labelled with a government health warning for their seriously pleasurable excursions inflicting harm to those of a delicate disposition. They are a band guaranteed to put a smile on the face of any jaded ‘folky’ that doesn’t run a mile from the word ‘entertainment’ and if I didn’t know better I’d swear they are influenced more by Kenny G than Pipe Major Robert Mathieson. Firstly I’d like to say that if you’re thinking of buying an album for the Hogmanay period, this should be top of your list. By golly (not exactly my choice of words) the band don’t care who they nick their material from so be prepared for an onslaught of Snow Patrol’s “Chasing Cars”, Deep Purple’s “Black Knight”, Queen’s “Radio Ga Ga” and Robbie Williams “Let Me Entertain You”…and by God they do! Year’s ago I was stunned by pipe major GS McLennan’s “Little Cascade” performed by Capercaillie on their debut album. Given this re-vamped treatment by the Chilli’s with its funky percussion and horn led stabs it will get everyone into a party mood and if that doesn’t then (as my old mucker Noel Murphy would have said) you’re probably dead. If I was starting out all over again in this business we call “folk” this is the band I’d wish I’d been a member of. With a thrusting energy that will blast any preconceptions of what the mighty highland bagpipes are capable of this is a band that should thrive on the festival circuit and more power to their bellows driven elbow!
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