Greetings. Just emerging from hibernation, still in winter woollies, but lots of news to share with you. It’s been a busy time recording the new album at Woodworm Studios and running workshops while trying to keep the show on the road with a series of 23 gigs so far booked for this year. We’ve said it before, but it’s an uphill struggle to get bookings these days, so we can’t stress enough how grateful we are to our promoters and audiences alike.
So here is the first batch for your diaries. A couple of nice local warm-up gigs, and then we’d particularly love you to come to our Album Launch in Wolvercote, near Oxford, on 27th May. It’s in a spacious church with modern seating and a café. We’ll even bribe you with free chocolates on arrival. We have no shame!
Saturday 25th March St Mary’s Church, CHILDREY, Oxon, OX12 9PQ. A return to this beautiful old church in Sarah’s home village. 7.30pm. Bar provided. £14 in advance or on the door. 0795 1065 141 or email stmaryschildreypcc@gmailcom
Saturday 29 April St Michael’s & All Angels Church, POULTON, Nr. Cirencester, GL7 5HX. 7.30pm £12 on the door. Enquiries: 01285 851309.
Saturday 27th May !!ALBUM LAUNCH!! St Peter’s Church, Upper WOLVERCOTE, Oxford OX2 8AQ. Moonrakers’ new album, Green To Gold is out, and this is our big launch event! A large spacious church near Oxford. Refreshments and café. Tickets available from 01865 305305. £15 (also concessions) and on the door. Enquiries: 01865 769206.
Monday 29th May THE ENGLISH MUSIC FESTIVAL. All Saints Church, Sutton Courtenay, OX14 4NJ. This prestigious annual festival is mainly classical music, but they occasionally branch out – we’re the branch! Note that it’s an afternoon performance. 2:15pm. Tickets £22.50 from The English Music Festival | 2023 May Festival | BOX OFFICE
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We all give our spare time to run Our aim has always been to keep folking a free service for our visitors, artists, PR agencies and tour promoters. If you wish help out and donate something (running costs currently funded by Paul Miles), please click the PayPal link below to send us a small one off payment or a monthly contribution.
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