Hi and Greetings from my new mailing list! If you’ve been following any of my social media posts you would have seen that I have finally reverted to my real name. Fret not! There will never be another change after this. I will only under my real name from now on.
Thank you for your support during this time and a warm welcome to those of you who have just joined this week as I revealed my new website at
How are you doing? It is a strange time indeed we find ourselves in isn’t it? I am back at home now having cut my visit to Sussex short to work on my brand new project SPIRIT OF ORIGIN. It’s something very special that’s been on the cards for some years and I’m looking forward to sharing much with you about this year. It explores the forgotten wisdom of those who work on the land.
Below is a little taster of me working on the project and singing in the woods!
Many of us artists feel pretty useless right now in what we can do to make things better during this seclusion period. However, I hope I can help you by offering some live song videos (Skysaling is below) and tomorrow I will be giving away STRANGERS for free (or a donation if anyone wishes) for the whole day.
If you’ve yet to get a download (perhaps you bought the vinyl?) or you would like to share this album with a friend or loved one you feel it may bring some peace to right now, please go to my BANDCAMP PAGE tomorrow to download it for free.
In the meantime, myself and Matt Blackie (aka Doktor MattyB) have made his fantastic remix of DARK CLOUD available on Soundcloud too.
I’m considering a live online gig in the next couple of weeks, so once confirmed, I’ll be letting you know here x Until then, I do jump on live in my Backstage Pass group if you’d like to join me there.
Stay safe and I hope you are able to find some magic right now, even in the madness.
With lots of love to you
Jo Beth xx
Here’s Jo Beth singing in the woods:
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