Dark Wood by Abagail Grey

Uniting the intensely personal with the wholly universal, Dark Wood is the latest release from Scotland’s Abagail Grey, the creative alter ego of Highland singer-songwriter,pianist and fiddler Claire Campbell. Following widespread praise for last year’s second album Apple Cherub Dove, and December’s seasonal download single ‘Winter & Icicles’, Campbell has again teamed up with long-time collaborators Chris Geddes (Belle & Sebastian) and Tony Doogan (Snow Patrol, Teenage Fanclub) to record Dark Wood, an achingly poignant yet magically affirmative mini-suite of songs in memory of Campbell’s aunt, who died of leukaemia in October 2010.

“She was my Mum’s younger sister,” Campbell explains, “and I was always really close to her, right from when I was a baby; she taught me my first tune on the piano. I wrote the song ‘Dark Wood’ not long after she died, and there’s a line in it that’s really the essence behind the whole EP:

‘You stole my heart when my heart was young’. Knowing her as a child was one of my first experiences of love.”