Cherish The Ladies – The Girls Won’t Leave The Boys Alone

Cherish The Ladies - The Girls Won't Leave The Boys AloneWelcome back to the girls! Mind you, on listening to the opening track ‘The Broom Of The Cowdenknowes’ I thought I was listening to The Rankin Family such is the power of the ensemble vocal performance.

The chosen path of the album seems to be heading towards a more mainstream audience with more songs than on previous outings. In their choice of Deirdre Connolly as lead vocalist, the girls have impeccably hit the mark again although she is aided and abetted by some legendary artists including the Clancy’s ‘Freeborn Man’ plus a veritable star-studded roster. Pete Seeger, Davy Spillane and Luka Bloom the list just goes on… Surrounded by such illustrious company, CTL should hopefully have found a vehicle in which to project themselves to that elusive wider audience.

I haven’t had the album off the turntable since I received it – Ten out of Ten!

Original Posting date – 12-June-2001
Reviewers Name – Pete Fyfe