The lead singer is called Jack Cade, after the man who led a rebellion to end government corruption in 1450, and it’s no surprise that some of the songs on Shakedown, the new album by The Everyday Sinners, have a strong political message.
The style is vibrant, by turn driving drums, what was recently described to me as the down-and-dirty sound of a dobro, the rhythm guitar of protest songs, almost barroom keyboards and Cade’s vocal – Cash/Kristofferson meets Slipknot. You can’t help but enjoy this music. The video ‘Belly Full A Fire’, the music set against images of protest and rebellion, from the mid-80’s to the current day. The song itself “with a belly full a fire and fistful of truth” does what I’d have thought was impossible by being simultaneously reminiscent of both the Beastie Boys fighting for our right to party and the gospel-ish calling of saints coming marching in. It’s a song to follow on a protest march with the band playing from the back of a truck.
‘16 Tons’ is an obvious cover to follow on from this, the image in your head of modern foodbanks sliding naturally into the Merle Travis line of owing your soul to the company store. My favourite track, though, is ‘You Were The Ammunition’ telling how hate can be whipped up and used by politicians preaching lies and fear “If you were the flames I was the one to fan them…….If I was the gun, you were the ammunition…..If I was the lie, you were the ones who made it true”
However, Cade describes the album as “I didn’t want it to end up as an album of protest, more a snapshot of life from the last ten years or so”. Alongside the songs of rebellion are personal ones, including ‘Lovin’ Kind’ about turning your life around after heartbreak “Can you see can you see what your eyes really won’t believe/you got to take the time to walk another line”. The final song, ‘Roll With Them Punches’, is based on something Cade’s grandfather used to tell him “life throws all sorts at you but you have to take it and find your way through” and showcases a gentler style both musically and in Cade’s singing, a calm and thoughtful ending to the album.
There are no tours currently planned and the album is released on vinyl and streaming services only, available from Cade’s website.
Mike Wistow
Artist’s website:
‘Belly Full A Fire’ – official video:
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