Jon Boden, former front-man of the progressive folk eleven-piece Bellowhead, has announced details of ‘All The Stars Are Coming Out’, the new single to be taken from his forthcoming solo album Afterglow, set for release via Hudson Records on October 6, 2017. Afterglow is Boden’s first studio release since calling an end to Bellowhead, a 12-year project that culminated in a quarter of a million album sales and worldwide sell-out shows including the Royal Albert Hall.
Afterglow follows on from Boden’s 2009 solo concept-album ‘Songs From The Floodplain’ which lead him to be named as Folk Singer Of The Year at the BBC Folk Awards. Whereas Floodplain largely dealt with the rural setting, Afterglow looks to juxtapose this and immerse the listener within a post-apocalyptic, post peak-oil street carnival – a location of decaying buildings, burning oil drums and homemade fireworks, in which Boden tells the story of two lovers trying to find one another.
Speaking about ‘All The Stars Are Coming Out’, Boden says: “Without easy access to electric light and with a shortage of oil, our lives will again become bounded by the astronomical cycle of the universe, and our relationship with the stars will become closer, uninhibited by artificial light pollution. I wanted the stars to have a big presence in the album, particularly Orion who, as a ‘hunter’, is someone who our hero identifies with as he searches the city for a girl he knew once but hasn’t seen for many years.”
Across his career Boden has been awarded a record-breaking 12 BBC Folk Awards, earned through his work with Bellowhead and Spiers & Boden. Now touring as both a solo artist and with his band The Remnant Kings, Jon will perform in both incarnations again this autumn. Commencing with his solo tour at Pocklington’s Arts Centre on November 6, Jon will perform at intimate venues across the UK before ending at Ludlow’s Assembly Rooms on November 14. From here Boden will tour with The Remnant Kings, beginning at Gateshead’s Sage on November 17 and taking in a date at London’s Scala on November 22.
Full tour dates and further album details here: http://folking.com/jon-boden-announces-new-solo-album-tour-dates/
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