Ellis Paul, Diana Jones, Darryl Purpose, Buddy Mondlock and other singer-songwriters each sing one song in this surprise tribute to songwriter Kevin Faherty.
EXTRACT FROM THE ALBUM “LINER NOTES” (by PAUL ZOLLO): The first song of his I ever heard was “Singer-Songwriter Heaven,” as performed by Darryl Purpose. And I loved it, not only because it’s funny, which it is, or because it names many of my idols, which it does. I loved it because it tells song writers that what we do matters. It tells us that what these guys in the song did – even the ones who were secret heroes when they were alive, known only to those in the know – has lasting meaning in our lives. That although the world keeps spinning and the future keeps coming with all its chaos, sorrow and madness intact, that what Harry Chapin wrote, or Steve Goodman, or Townes Van Zandt – still matters to those of us who were touched by their brilliance. And will always matter. That songs are eternal. And that after the world of today is gone, the thing that emerges when the dust settles is the song.
So when word came down the wire (or, more accurately, the wireless), that Darryl was inviting friends and fellow singer-songwriters to join him in a musical tribute to the guy who wrote “Singer-Songwriter Heaven,” it seemed like a good idea. Not just because it’s a great song. But also because heaven on earth for singer-songwriters would be something like this. Something in which all your pals, who also happen to be singers and/or songwriters, get together to sing your songs, and even make an album. It’s an honor few songwriters ever get, especially when they’re still alive. And what’s better for a songwriter than being heard? It’s being sung. And Kevin is thoroughly sung here, and by those who love him.
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