I can’t remember who suggested I check out The Re-Entrants. Still, it wasn’t a bad idea as my tastes in music spread far wider than what a majority of people who read my reviews perceive to be my ‘folk’ roots. So, hand on mouse I clicked on my computer to chase the lads down. When I did, I caught a brief video of them at (what looked like to me) a packed gig with everyone just up for a great night out. I can’t remember what the song was but Phil Dolman and Ian Emmerson were performing what appeared to be outrageous alcohol induced ukulele arrangements of ‘covers’ by established artists. With this little silver disk in my hands, I can assure you that ‘is’ exactly what they do. There are no smart-arse arrangements a la Ukulele Orchestra Of Great Britain no, this is more akin to Adrian Edmondson’s Bad Shepherds. That’s not to say it’s a bad recording, more that it has the attitude of “we like it so we’ll do it!” The ‘covers’ include Labi Siffre’s “It Must Be Love” and “Ghost Town” as originally performed by Madness, Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, Buddy Holly’s “That’ll Be The Day” and an outstanding version of McCartney’s “Live And Let Die”. Taking no prisoners (is no one safe?) The Re-Entrants prove you can play a diverse array of music keeping a respectful but humorous approach that should appeal to anyone who wants to have a laugh whilst enjoying some excellent musical interpretations. Keep up the good work fellers and hopefully we’ll see them on the festival circuit soon.
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