Once again Nick Burbridge has produced a jewel of an album. Somehow every word of every songs seems to crackle with energy. His folk music has also been compared to the “emo” genre but it is far deeper than the miserable pop offerings – darker and more complex.
“Gathered” differs from Nick’s previous work with McDermott’s 2 Hours in that is has a much more acoustic base, Nick’s expressive voice paired only with Tim Cotterill’s varied instrumental accompaniment.
This is an album full of the poetry of contrasts – hope and despair, defiance and defeatism, mourning and celebration, faith and delusion, romance and longing, modern archetypes and Greek mythology.
Strange and beautiful songs for those who aren’t afraid of the dark.
Valerie Moss
If you would like to order a copy of the album (in CD or Vinyl), download it or just listen to snippets of selected tracks (track previews are usually on the download page) then click on the Nick Burbridge link to be taken to our associated partner Amazon’s website.
“Great melodies, acerbic, canny lyrics (fRoots)
The sound of a musician and songwriter at a creative peak (R2)
Available from – www.burbridgearts.org – www.levellers.co.uk and selected retail outlets
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