FINBAR MAGEE – Strawberry Winters

I can’t remember where I first heard Finbar Magee. More than likely idling my time away listening to the radio but, whenever it was it was because of his song “My Belfast Love” with its simplistic, lazy country feel that captured my imagination. In its own way this (for me at least) is every bit as good as “When You Were Sweet Sixteen” and, if enough people get to hear it maybe one day it’ll be the hit it deserves to be…I hope The Fureys are listening? The basic conceit of a man admiring a woman from a distance without actually telling her may sound a little too pedestrian for over exposed and over obsessive Jeremy Kyle followers but sometimes it’s nice to slow the passage of time and wallow in nostalgia whether its true or just wishful thinking. Now, before I mesmerize everyone (including myself) into a state of hypnotic inducement our man can rock it out with the best of them with help from Peter O’Hanlon, Nicky Scott, Rod McVeigh and Tony Phillips as ably demonstrated on the riff pulsating opening track “Tiger By The Tail” or just as easily slip into a blues influenced “Ordinary Joe”. So, a little bit of this – a little bit of that, if you enjoy your music as much as a box of Quality Street (no, I never liked the green triangles either) then here’s an album that should prove ultimately rewarding. PETE FYFE

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