I heard Dala by chance on the radio one evening and sought out this CD at the earliest opportunity. The Canadian based duo (Amanda Walther & Sheila Carabine) certainly didn’t disappoint and if “Horses” were the only track on the album then I’d still buy it! Getting into the mind of someone else is never an easy job (just check-out The Mentalist) but can be ultimately rewarding especially when it generates a song as beautiful as this. Like some finely chiselled work of art you can see the painstaking thought that has gone into the construction of the lyrics whilst allowing yourself to become enveloped in the piano’s rich, velvet texture rather like Gary Jules take on “Mad World”. Still, that’s only one track on what turns out to be a truly rewarding album that I suppose I could see being utilised as the soundtrack to ‘Roswell’, ‘Smallville’ or another series of a similar genre. Relying on tight, seamless harmonies the girls provide a ‘folk’ style quality that will appeal to those who like acoustic singer-songwriters and even when bass and drums are employed, they’re used to embellish rather than interfere with the arrangements. If you’re looking for songs that are decidedly cool without being cheesy then I suggest you obtain this CD to impress your friends.
Artist website: www.dalagirls.com
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