Brittany based The Churchfitters are that rare thing on the ‘folk’ circuit…a band that consistently hit a bull’s-eye (at least in my opinion) with every successive recording they make. This is due primarily to always taking chances and making the listeners ears ring with unusual and exotic sounds. None more so than on the final track where the much covered “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” featuring guest violinist Raphael Chevalier and Chris Short’s use of musical saw is exactly that…‘musical’. Given the emotional vocal delivery it deserves by Chris’s sister Rosie I can guarantee there won’t be a dry eye in the house which is probably quite appropriate if the recent drought warnings in the UK are anything to go by. Along with fellow band members Boris Lebret and Topher Louden the term ‘multi-instrumental’ is the Churchfitters for the taking utilising enough weaponry to single-handedly supply a small army and particularly dynamic on the rip-roaring “Hammer It Flat” set. Never ones to rest on their laurels the group are just as comfortable with traditional arrangements of well established favourites including “The Little Drummer” and “The Dark-Eyed Sailor” or can just as easily turn their hands to embrace and enhance Rosie and Topher’s wonderfully evocative lyrics. If you haven’t cottoned on to the Churchfitters yet then do yourself a favour and check out this album it’ll prove a breath of fresh air. Oh, by the way, congratulations as ever to Rosie for the wonderful cover…it really is a work of art!
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