Wow! The word ‘programming’ gives it away, this is a spectacular mix of trad and world music with a thumping techno back-beat. Celtarabia are: Quentin Budworth – Hurdy-gurdy, shawm, bag-pipes, low whistle and programming. Amanda Lowe- Vocals, harp, hammer dulcimer, and programming. Celtarabia play high energy world fusion music, a dynamic and complex clash of east meets west, analogue and digital, ancient and modern, in yer face yet subtle. The album features stonking instrumental tracks that force you to get up and dance, and stunning, hypnotic vocals that enchant.
This is the sort of music that will still be ringing in your head at three in the morning after a heady night of stimulants, tribal dancing, sweaty passion and a kebab.
Darren Beech
Artist’s website:
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